Rádio Biss player

Mostrando postagens com marcador Emotion Detector. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador Emotion Detector. Mostrar todas as postagens

quarta-feira, 7 de maio de 2014

Música de Hoje: Emotion Detector

Eu amo essa música...
emoções sendo descobertas.
Cinismo, desconfiança e dor...
Passamos por todas as etapas
nesse aprendizado.

E o que aprendemos?
É bom amor,
Nascemos pra sermos Felizes e o principal:
Livre-se das amarras...
Deixe os sentimentos correr soltos

Eu to deixando ;)
1 2 3 4!!! Sempre!

Emotion Detector

When we lift the covers from our feelings
We expose our insecure spots
Trust is just as rare as devotion
Forgive us our cynical thoughts
If we need too much attention
Not content with being cool
We must throw ourselves wide open
And start acting like a fool
If we need too much approval
Then the cuts can seem too cruel

Right to the heart of the matter
Right to the beautiful part
Illusions are painfully shattered
Right where discovery starts
In the secret wells of emotion
Buried deep in our hearts

It's true that love can change us
But never quite enough
Sometimes we are too tender
Sometimes we're too tough
If we get too much attention
It gets hard to overrule
So often fragile power turns
To scorn and ridicule
Sometimes our big splashes
Are just ripples in the pool


Feelings run high