Rádio Biss player

terça-feira, 22 de novembro de 2016

The awakening through your eyes

"The awakening through your eyes".
(  "Orochimaru's Charms")

I kept a huge part of me hidden.
At the bottom of a lake of mismatched stories.

I ran and danced in the rain
I discovered my inner voice.
I got rid of moorings.

Amid the mists and fear ...
Without knowing, I threw myself
An enchantment of Orochimaru
I lived a dream of shadows
And I was sure that life was
so happy

I ran and danced in the rain
I discovered my inner voice.
I got rid of moorings.

Even so...
I kept stuck
It is on me
To the enchantment of ochimaru
So you appeared
Took the poison out of my body
Opened my eyes
I looked as if it were the first time.
I woke up through his gaze.
And it was magic, it was real.
And I was just me.
Being happy.

And now i go
Run and dance in the rain
Release my inner voice.
No strings, be free ...
Just be happy.

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