Rádio Biss player

terça-feira, 9 de agosto de 2011

What I know...

I could tell you that I already forgot you...
But it would be a big lie,
And I would be lying to me.

I really don't know,
If I love you, I think not.
I've not had time to figure it out.
But I know that I won't have.

So... I know that you like me  as a friend,
And I respect that…
I know for sure,
That I like so much to have you by my side
I really enjoy when you smile with my jokes...

When we talked for hours,
About everything... and nothing,
I feel that all puzzles were solve.

So, you have a thing, I don't know what.
You have a smile,
a special way to look

And when my eyes found yours,
I can see magic,
And I feel that I could fly.

I just know now, that I like you,
And I need spend more time with you
To discover the answers for my questions:

Why there are butterfly in my body?
Why I dream about you, even when I am awake?
Why I never want that you go away?

And why I increase to maximum I can, the time I spend with you?
Or , why do I feel a little sad when I miss you?
At last, how do I get you out of my mind?

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