Rádio Biss player

segunda-feira, 18 de julho de 2011


Today I realized that I have not forgotten you, like I thought.
Your image is still dancing in my mind.

My dreams are bringing you so closer to me,
A warning that I'm not ready to let you
Even though in my insane thoughts.

I wanted to find a way to solve this ...

Or let that image fade in its mist,
Leaving only the sweet memory of friendship.

Or maybe finding the courage to fight
For a place in your heart.

I really don't know what to do...

I decided, strongly, forget you.

I forge firm decisions in my head.
And I seemed to be getting this story to forget you ...
Now I see I was wrong ... very wrong.

I whole - body, mind and heart -  still want to see you again ...
And to try ... although, if I thinking logically,
I will think that idea is a great absurd.

Ok, my head, I realized my misunderstanding.
Now, you have to have a brilliant idea to take me off out of this!

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