Rádio Biss player

segunda-feira, 19 de setembro de 2016

Música de Hoje: The One I Love

Ok, confesso:
Nunca entendi a letra dessa música!

Mas para aqueles que amo deixo meu amor!

The One I Love

This one goes out to the one I love
This one goes out to the one I've left behind
A simple prop to occupy my time
This one goes out to the one I love


This one goes out to the one I love
This one goes out to the one I've left behind
A simple prop to occupy my time
This one goes out to the one I love


This one goes out to the one I love
This one goes out to the one I've left behind
Another prop has occupied my time
This one goes out to the one I love


sexta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2016

Música de Hoje: The Lovecats

Hey... how u doiiiin?!?

The Lovecats
The Cure

We move like cagey tigers
We couldn't get closer than this
The way we walk
The way we talk
The way we stalk
The way we kiss
We slip through the streets
While everyone sleeps
Getting bigger and sleeker
And wider and brighter
We bite and scratch and scream all night
Let's go and throw
All the songs we know

Into the sea
You and me
All these years and no one heard
I'll show you in spring
It's a treacherous thing
We missed you hissed the lovecats

We're so wonderfully wonderfully wonderfully
Wonderfully pretty!
Oh you know that I'd do anything for you...
We should have each other to tea huh?
We should have each other with cream
Then curl up by the fire
And sleep for awhile
It's the grooviest thing
It's the perfect dream

Into the sea
You and me
All these years and no one heard
I'll show you in spring
It's a treacherous thing
We missed you hissed the lovecats

We're so wonderfully wonderfully wonderfully
Wonderfully pretty!
Oh you know that I'd do anything for you...
We should have each other to dinner huh?
We should have each other with cream
Then curl up in the fire
Get up for awhile
It's the grooviest thing
It's the perfect dream

Hand in hand
Is the only way to land
And always the right way round
Not broken in pieces
Like hated little meeces...
How could we miss
Someone as dumb as this?

I love you... Let's go...
Oh... Solid gone...
How could we miss
Someone as dumb as this?

quarta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2016

Música de Hoje: Babe

Vou cantar isso na Quinta na Chopperia Liberdade!


Babe I'm leaving
I must be on my way
The time is drawing near
My train is going
I see it in your eyes
The love, the need, your tears
But I'll be lonely without you
And I'll need your love to see me through
So please believe me
My heart is in your hands
I'll be missing you

'Cause you know it's you babe
Whenever I get weary
And I've had enough
Feel like giving up
You know it's you babe
Giving me the courage
And the strength I need
Please believe that it's true
Babe, I love you

Babe, I'm leaving
I'll say it once again
And somehow try to smile
I know the feeling we're trying to forget
If only for a while
'Cause I'll be lonely without you
And I'll need your love to see me through
Please believe me
My heart is in your hands
'Cause I'll be missing you
Babe, I love you

terça-feira, 13 de setembro de 2016

Música de Hoje: Youth

Glass Animals

Boy, when I left you you were young
I was gone, but not my love
You were clearly meant for more
Than a life lost in the war

I want you to be happy
Free to run, get dizzy on caffeine
Funny friends that make you laugh
And maybe you're just a little bit dappy

Feel your mother at your side
Don't you know you got my eyes
I'll make you fly
You'll be happy all the time
I know you can make it right

Boy, now your life is back-to-front
But you'll see thats not for long
Cause I know you'll feel the ghost
Of some memories so warm

Boy, I want you to be happy
Free to run, get dizzy on caffeine
Funny friends that make you laugh
And maybe you're just a little bit dappy

Feel your mother at your side
Don't you know you got my eyes
I'll make you fly
You'll be happy all the time
I know you can make it right

Boy, I want you to be happy
Free to run, get dizzy on caffeine
Funny friends that make you laugh
And maybe you're just a little bit dappy

Feel your mother at your side
Don't you know you got my eyes
I'll make you fly
You'll be happy all the time
I know you can make it right
I'll make you

Boy, I want you to be happy
Free to run, get dizzy on caffeine
Funny friends that make you laugh
And maybe you're just a little bit

segunda-feira, 12 de setembro de 2016

Enquanto isso na política...

É Hoje!
Um capitulo bem importante.
Não é só pq o Cunha deve. Mas saber sim se a vontade do povo sera respeitada.

Bem, sejam como for as eleições estão ae...


Música de Hoje: Mr. Roboto

Feliz Dia do Programador

Ah, hoje é o 256o. do ano.
O dia dos programadores!!!

Na Rússia hoje é feriado.
Aqui não, bora programar!!!

Mr. Roboto

Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto
Mata au hima de
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto
Himitsu o shiri tai

You're wondering who I am (Secret secret, I've got a secret)
Machine or mannequin (Secret secret, I've got a secret)
With parts made in Japan (Secret secret, I've got a secret)
I am the modern man

I've got a secret I've been hiding under my skin
My heart is human, my blood is boiling, my brain IBM
So if you see me acting strangely, don't be surprised
I'm just a man who needed someone and somewhere to hide
To keep me alive, just keep me alive
Somewhere to hide to keep me alive

I'm not a robot without emotions, I'm not what you see
I've come to help you with your problems so we can be free
I'm not a hero, I'm not a savior, forget what you know
I'm just a man who's circumstances went beyond his control
Beyond my control, We all need control
I need control, We all need control

I am the moldren man (Secret secret, I've got a secret)
Who hides behind a mask (Secret secret, I've got a secret)
So no one else can see (Secret secret, I've got a secret)
My true identity

Domo arigato, Mr, Roboto
Domo, Domo
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto
Domo, Domo
Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto
Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto
Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto
Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto
(Thank you very much oh Mr. Roboto
for doing the jobs that nobody wants to)
Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto
(And thank you very much oh Mr. Roboto
for helping me escape just when I needed to)
Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto
(Thank you thank you thank you)
Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto
(I wanna thank you)
Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto
(Please thank you)

The problem's plain to see
Too much technology
Machines to save our lives
Machines de-humanize

The time has come at last (Secret secret, I've got a secret)
To throw away this mask (Secret secret, I've got a secret)
Now everyone can see (Secret secret, I've got a secret)
My true identity

I'm Kilroy! Kilroy! Kilroy! Kilroy....

sábado, 10 de setembro de 2016

Música de Hoje: All Star

Comemorando o fato que All Star fica lindo no meu pé-Chaveiro e q agora tenho um azul.
Sim, vc pode cantar essa música com um sorriso...
Eu peço em casamento!

All Star
Nando Reis

Estranho seria se eu não me apaixonasse por você
O sal viria doce para os novos lábios
Colombo procurou as índias, mas a terra avistou em você
O som que eu ouço são as gírias do seu vocabulário

Estranho é gostar tanto do seu All Star azul
Estranho é pensar que o bairro das Laranjeiras
Satisfeito sorri quando chego ali
E entro no elevador
Aperto o 12 que é o seu andar
Não vejo a hora de te reencontrar
E continuar aquela conversa
Que não terminamos ontem
Ficou pra hoje

Estranho, mas já me sinto como um velho amigo seu
Seu All Star azul combina com o meu preto de cano alto
Se o homem já pisou na lua, como eu ainda não tenho seu endereço?
O tom que eu canto as minhas músicas
Para a tua voz parece exato

Estranho é gostar tanto do seu All Star azul
Estranho é pensar que o bairro das Laranjeiras
Satisfeito sorri quando chego ali e entro no elevador
Aperto o 12 que é o seu andar
Não vejo a hora de te reencontrar
E continuar aquela conversa
Que não terminamos ontem ficou pra

Satisfeito sorri quando chego ali e entro no elevador
Aperto o 12 que é o seu andar
Não vejo a hora de te reencontrar
E continuar aquela conversa
Que não terminamos ontem, ficou pra hoje

sexta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2016

Música de Hoje: 6th Avenue Heartache

E to aqui trabalhando...
e começa a tocar.
Do que aconteceu.
Daquilo que não aconteceu.

Tb é poetico e me da uma vontade enorme de escrever uma outra canção.
Bora viver, Amar e cantar!

6th Avenue Heartache
The Wallflowers

Sirens ring, the shots ring out
A stranger cries, screams out loud
I had my world strapped against my back
I held my hands, never knew how to act

And the same black line that was drawn on you
Was drawn on me
And now it's drawn me in
6th Avenue heartache

Below me was a homeless man
I'm singin' songs I knew complete
On the steps alone, his guitar in hand
It's fifty years, stood where he stands

Now walkin' home on those streets
The river winds move my feet
Subway steam, like silhouettes in dreams
They stood by me, just like moonbeams

Look out the window, down upon that street
And gone like a midnight was that man
But I see his six strings laid against that wall
And all his things, they all look so small
I got my fingers crossed on a shooting star
Just like me-just moved on

quinta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2016

Música de Hoje: This Is The Day

Pq hoje é dia de cantar.
Pq é sempre hora de ser feliz!

Bora amar a vida cantando?!

This Is The Day
The The

Well, you didn't wake up this morning 'cause you didn't go to bed
You were watching the whites of your eyes turn red
The calendar on your wall
Is ticking the days off

You've been reading some old letters
You smile and think how much you've changed
All the money in the world
Couldn't buy back those days

You pull back the curtains
And the sun burns into your eyes
You watch a plane flying
Across the clear blue sky

This is the day
Your life will surely change
This is the day
When things fall into place

You could've done anything
If you'd wanted
And all your friends and family
Think that your lucky

But the side of you they'll never see
Is when you're left alone with the memories?
That hold your life
Together like glue

You pull back the curtains
And the sun burns into your eyes
You watch a plane flying
Across the clear blue sky

This is the day
Your life will surely change
This is the day
When things fall into place

This is the day (this is the day)
Your life will surely change

quarta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2016

Música de Hoje: Sina

Vou sair por ae procurar alguém pra cantar essa.
Tenho certeza q irei lapidar o sonho.
E procurar algo que não possa ser Caetaneado ;)


Pai e mãe, ouro de mina
Coração, desejo e sina
Tudo mais, pura rotina, jazz
Tocarei seu nome pra poder falar de amor

Minha princesa, art-nouveau
Da natureza, tudo o mais
Pura beleza, jazz

A luz de um grande prazer
É irremediável neon
Quando o grito do prazer
Açoitar o ar, réveillon

O luar, estrela do mar
O sol e o dom
Quiçá, um dia, a fúria desse front
Virá lapidar o sonho
Até gerar o som
Como querer Caetanear
O que há de bom

segunda-feira, 5 de setembro de 2016

Meu horóscopo de hoje!

Hoje, as emoções ganham mais intensidade e as iniciativas estão favorecidas. Pela manhã, a Lua ingressa em Escorpião, indicando um ótimo período para promover investigações, conversar sobre assuntos mais profundos, curativos e transformadores. Também é um momento propício para exames, desintoxicações e limpezas. Com a intuição afiada, fica mais fácil elucidar o que está escondido por trás das aparências.

Sério... mais intensidade nas emoções. To ferrada.

sábado, 3 de setembro de 2016

Música de Hoje: Vossa Excelência

Não importa o partido.
Hoje nem mais importa o poder.
Abaixo vossas excelências e seus fãs partidários o que eu acho de vc.
Sim, vc q apoia corrupto, DE TODOS OS PARTIDOS, é conivente.

Vossa Excelência

Estão nas mangas
Dos Senhores Ministros
Nas capas
Dos Senhores Magistrados
Nas golas
Dos Senhores Deputados
Nos fundilhos
Dos Senhores Vereadores
Nas perucas
Dos Senhores Senadores

Senhores! Senhores! Senhores!
Minha Senhora!
Senhores! Senhores!
Filha da Puta! Bandido!
Corrupto! Ladrão! Senhores!
Filha da Puta! Bandido!
Senhores! Corrupto! Ladrão!

Sorrindo para a câmera
Sem saber que estamos vendo
Chorando que dá pena
Quando sabem que estão em cena
Sorrindo para as câmeras
Sem saber que são filmados
Um dia o sol ainda vai nascer

Estão nas mangas
Dos Senhores Ministros
Nas capas
Dos Senhores Magistrados
Nas golas
Dos Senhores Deputados
Nos fundilhos
Dos Senhores Vereadores
Nas perucas
Dos Senhores Senadores

Senhores! Senhores! Senhores!
Minha Senhora!
Bandido! Corrupto
Senhores! Senhores!
Filha da Puta! Bandido!
Corrupto! Ladrão! Senhores!
Filha da Puta! Bandido!
Corrupto! Ladrão!

-"Isso não prova nada
Sob pressão da opinião pública
É que não haveremos
De tomar nenhuma decisão
Vamos esperar que tudo caia
No esquecimento
Aí então!
Faça-se a justiça!"

Sorrindo para a câmera
Sem saber que estamos vendo
Chorando que dá pena
Quando sabem que estão em cena
Sorrindo para as câmeras
Sem saber que são filmados
Um dia o sol ainda vai nascer

-"Estamos preparando
Vossas acomodações

Filha da Puta!
Bandido! Senhores!
Corrupto! Ladrão!
Filha da Puta!
Bandido! Corrupto! Ladrão!
Filha da Puta!
Bandido! Corrupto! Ladrão!
Filha da Puta!
Bandido! Corrupto! Ladrão!

sexta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2016

Música de Hoje: I Wanna Dance With Somebody

Hoje é sexta.
Dia de lavar a alma e o coração.
O meu anda procurando.
Enquanto isso, segue dançando e cantando!

Bora animar o coração!!!

I Wanna Dance With Somebody 
Whitney Houston

Huh yeah Woo! Hey yeah, huh,
hoo yeah, uh-huh yeah

Clock strikes upon the hour
And the sun begins to fade
Still enough time to figure out
How to chase my blues away
I've done alright up to now
It's the light of day that shows me how
And when the night falls, loneliness calls

Oh wanna dance with somebody
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah wanna dance with somebody
With somebody who loves me
Oh wanna dance with somebody
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah wanna dance with somebody
With somebody who loves me

I've been in love and lost my senses
Spinning through the town
Sooner or later the fever ends
And I wind up feeling down
I need a man who'll take a chance
On a love that burns hot enough to last
So when the night falls
My lonely heart calls

Oh wanna dance with somebody
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah wanna dance with somebody
With somebody who loves me
Oh wanna dance with somebody
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah wanna dance with somebody
With somebody who loves me

Somebody oo Somebody oo
Somebody who loves me yeah
Somebody oo Somebody oo
To hold me in his arms oh
I need a man who'll take a chance
On a love that burns hot enough to last
So when the night falls
My lonely heart calls

Oh wanna dance with somebody
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah wanna dance with somebody
With somebody who loves me
Oh wanna dance with somebody
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah wanna dance with somebody
With somebody who loves me

Hoo hoo dance, cmon baby hehehehe
Woo yeah hehehe

Dontcha wanna dance with me baby
Dontcha wanna dance with me boy
Hey Dontcha wanna dance with me baby
With somebody who loves me

Dontcha wanna dance say you wanna dance
Dontcha wanna dance
Dontcha wanna dance say you wanna dance
Dontcha wanna dance
Dontcha wanna dance say you wanna dance uh-huh
With somebody who loves me (hoo-oo)
Dance (hoo-oo hoo)
Hoo-oo hey baby

quinta-feira, 1 de setembro de 2016

Música de Hoje: Rhythm Of The Night

Hoje cantarei essa no videoke...
A Vida é uma festa!
Bora Cantar e Dançar!!!

Rhythm Of The Night


When it feels like the world is on your shoulders
And all of the madness has got you goin crazy

It's time to get out, step out into the street
Where all of the action is right there at your feet

I know a place where we can dance the whole night away
Underneath the electric stars
Just come with me and we can shake your blues right away
You'll be doin fine once the music starts...oh!

To the beat of the rhythm of the night
Dance until the morning light
Forget about the worries on your mind
We can leave them all behind
To the beat of the rhythm of the night
Oohh the rhythm of the night...ooohh yeah

Look out on the street now, the party's just beginning
The music's playing, a celebration's starting

Under the streetlights, the scene is being set
A night for romance, a night you won't forget, so

Come join the fun, this ain't no time to be staying home
Mmm..there's too much going on... oh!
Tonight is gonna be a night like you've never known
We're gonna have a good time the whole night long... oh!

To the beat of the rhythm of the night
Dance until the morning light
Forget about the worries on your mind
We can leave them all behind
To the beat of the rhythm of the night
Oohh the rhythm of the night...ooohh yeah

Oohh baby, aww darlin, oohhh baby, woo

La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la
The music's playin!
It's a celebration!
The music's playin, everybody dance!

To the beat of the rhythm of the night
Dance until the morning light
Forget about the worries on your mind
We can leave them all behind
To the beat of the rhythm of the night
Oohh the rhythm of the night...ooohh yeah